
Showing posts from October 31, 2010

Tips for Choosing a Hamster Food

Tips for Choosing a Hamster Food Mix hamster food for some people is not easy work. Some manufacturers have composition food for hamster. Food manufactered or home made?food ingredients, here are some tips for choosing a good hamster feed: 1. Remember: The hamster is an animal that is weak. So you can not give any food. 2. Choose a food that contains natural foods. 3. Note the contents of the packaging, if it contains only hamster food pellets or the like (not a natural food) should not be bought or given to the hamsters. 4. Avoid Hamster food that contain dyes manufacturer. Dyes only to attract of hamsters, but not necessarily good for the hamster. If the dye used was dangerous, can be risk cancer for hamsters. 5. Hamster food should not be lousy, or other insects. 6. If food is moldy, you should not be purchased / provided.