
Showing posts from September 19, 2010

Sexing hamster

Anogenital Distance The surest way to tell is by looking at the anogenital distance. This is the distance between the genital openings (penile opening in the male, vaginal and urinary openings in the female) and the anus. This distance is much shorter in females than males (in fact the openings can be difficult to distinguish in females while they are separated by about half an inch in males)

Winter white saphire


Choose a hamster

There are something that must be considered when choose a hamster as your pets. a. Start from what kind of hamster can kept as pets. Fro beginner choose Winter white as pet. b. Select hamsters with aged between 40-10 weeks c. If buying a hamster, male or female gender is not an issue. However, if you will buy two Hamster, then you should think about the sex of the two hamsters. d. Choose a Healthy Hamster